

How do Marketing Strategies Differ between companies trying to market in the United States and companies trying to market in Japan? Overall the feedback I was given can be dealt with by preparing better which I agree I should have done. I should also narrow down the topic which I have done in order to give more specific information about the topic rather than just general info. Jing Jiang , Ran Wei , (2012) "Influences of culture and market convergence on the international advertising strategies of multinational corporations in North America, Europe and Asia", International Marketing Review, Vol. 29 Issue: 6, pp.597-622, Lynch, Richard(2014). What is global strategy? And why is it important?. Retrieved from Zhang, F. and Cantwell, J. 2011. The International Knowledge Generation: Knowledge Inflows and Outflows of Overseas Subsidiaries. 2011 Annual Conference of Academy o

elevator pitch draft

Intro to topic- International marketing Discuss what the topic includes while citing scholarly articles Talk about problems that occur  when working in the industry and their solutions Discuss how chosen professor's past research can influence your topic. 

Week 9 LP parts 1-3

1) Criteria Exceeded expectations Met expectations Did no meet expectations Clear Argument Organized On topic Use of scholarly articles Effective Points Cite professor’s work Incorporate Profs work into your topic Loud and Clear Length 2) What make an elevator pitch? short ID goal Offer steps to get to goal Open with Question Connect points at the end 3) The first three elevator speeches differ from the last because of a couple of factors. The first reason is preparation, the final example states he is unprepared and it shows. He stumbles on words is in general not confident. The others are well prepared, confident, and even charismatic. The address a problem an offer a solution to those problems.

PB2a parts 3-5

How can the Toyota maximize revenue of its cars outside of japan? How do marketing strategies differ from country to country? How to manage another countries inflation to make sure you profit in other countries? Keywords- Marketing,Business,international business, inflation,profit,revenue, united states, japan, marketing strategies Wilhelm, M. M. (2011). Co-opetition and knowledge co-creation in Japanese supplier-networks: The case of Toyota. Asian Business & Management, suppl. Special Issue: Moving Japanese Business, 10(1) ,66-88, Retrieved from Jefferey, D. H. (2000).  Creating and managing a high‐performance knowledge‐sharing network: the Toyota case. Retrieved from Yaprak, A. (2008).  Culture study in international marketing: a critical review and suggestions for future research. International Marketing Review, 25(2), Retrieved from Jiang, J. & Wei, R. (2012). 

PB2A Part 1 and 2

I find the major international business very interesting and within the topic is international communication, international accounting and company structure. At PSU Abington Feng Zheng  studies topics in international business such as inflows and outflows of overseas subsidiaries and effects of geographically dispersed knowledge and more. If I was to study international business I would study in international accounting or foreign communication because I find those topics to be the most interesting. For accounting I enjoy math and for communication I enjoy learning about other cultures.

Wp1 proposal

Food>Restaurant>Fast food>food review Thoughts>Words>books>fiction Technology>Computer>Games>game reviews For my first generated genre I used a paper that was arguing for fiber optic cables.the author used many conventions when writing the paper in order to get his point across. For instance when beginning the paper the author gave a general overview of why he was writing the paper to give readers a overview as to why he was writing about his topic. He also used terms specific to topic he was writing about. The author them goes over the main points he will be elaborating on later in the paper, and when he does go into further detail the he used graphs and pictures to help demonstrate his points. The second genre I used when writing this was a comic strip. The the comic strips didn't make to much sense and mainly focused on being goofy. Aside from that they had specific