How do Marketing Strategies Differ between companies trying to market in the United States and companies trying to market in Japan?

Overall the feedback I was given can be dealt with by preparing better which I agree I should have done. I should also narrow down the topic which I have done in order to give more specific information about the topic rather than just general info.

Jing Jiang, Ran Wei, (2012) "Influences of culture and market convergence on the international advertising strategies of multinational corporations in North America, Europe and Asia", International Marketing Review, Vol. 29 Issue: 6, pp.597-622, https://doi.org/10.1108/02651331211277964

Lynch, Richard(2014).What is global strategy? And why is it important?. Retrieved from http://www.global-strategy.net/what-is-global-strategy/

Zhang, F. and Cantwell, J. 2011. The International Knowledge Generation: Knowledge Inflows and Outflows of Overseas Subsidiaries. 2011 Annual Conference of Academy of International Business (AIB), June 24-28, 2011, Nagoya, Japan

George S. Yip and Johny K. Johansson,(1993)"Global Market Strategies of U.S. and Japanese Businesses",pp.92-102

Iwatani, N. Salsberg,B. Orr, G. (2011, June).Japans Globalization Imperative. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/japans-globalization-imperative

Usunier, JC. & Lee, JA. (1992). Marketing across cultures. Harlow. Pearson Education Limited

Witkowski, T.H. (2014). Kasuo Usui. Marketing and Consumption in Modern Japan. Journal of Marketing. 32(2): 274-276.

Lin, CA. (1993). Cultural differences in message strategies: A comparison between American and Japanese TV commercials. Journal of Advertising Research, 33(4): 40- 48


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